Obtaining means getting or acquiring something. We obtain things when we find, receive, or buy them. There are different ways to obtain things, and it can be a fun and exciting process! Let's learn more about how we can obtain different items and objects.
Ways to Obtain Things
There are several ways to obtain things:
Finding: Sometimes we can obtain things by finding them. For example, we can find seashells on the beach or pick up fallen leaves in the park.
Receiving: We can obtain things as gifts or presents from others. It can be a birthday present, a holiday gift, or a surprise from a friend or family member.
Buying: When we use money to get something we want, we are obtaining it by buying. We can buy toys, books, food, and other items we like.
Creating: Sometimes we can obtain things by making them ourselves. For example, we can create art, crafts, or homemade gifts to obtain something special.
Study Guide
Here are some questions to help you learn more about obtaining:
What does "obtaining" mean?
Can you give an example of obtaining something by finding it?
How do you obtain things as gifts or presents?
What is one thing you would like to obtain by buying it?
How can you obtain something by creating it yourself?
Now that you know more about obtaining, you can practice by thinking about different things you have obtained in your life and how you obtained them. Have fun exploring the ways we obtain things!
The student demonstrates an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy by identifying and sorting examples of living and non-living things in the local environment. (L)