Geothermal energy is the heat that comes from the sub-surface of the earth. It is contained in the rocks and fluids beneath the earth'scrust and can be found as far down to the earth's hot molten rock, magma. This energy can be harnessed to produce electricity, for heating purposes, and for various industrial applications.
Geothermal energy is formed through the radioactive decay of minerals within the earth, along with the heat leftover from the earth's formation. This heat is continuously produced within the earth and is the reason behind the high temperatures found in the earth's core.
Construct an argument from evidence to explain the likelihood of an organism’s ability to survive when compared to the resources in a certain habitat (e.g., freshwater organisms survive well, less well, or not at all in saltwater; desert organisms survive well, less well, or not at all in woodlands).
Create models that illustrate how organisms and their habitats make up a system in which the parts depend on each other.