A blade is the flat, elongated, and typically narrow portion of an object, such as a knife, sword, or propeller, that is used for cutting or thrusting.
Types of Blades
Knife Blade: The cutting portion of a knife, usually made of metal and sharpened to a fine edge.
Sword Blade: The long, sharp-edged weapon used for thrusting or cutting.
Propeller Blade: The rotating airfoil that generates thrust in a propeller mechanism, such as those used in aircraft or marine vessels.
Blade in Biology: The flat, wide part of a leaf or petal in plants.
Functions of Blades
Blades are used for a variety of functions, including:
Cutting and slicing objects
Thrusting and piercing
Generating propulsion in machines, such as propellers
From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants respectively.