Collective nouns are words used to describe groups of people, animals, or things. They represent a single unit or entity made up of multiple individuals. For example, "team," "herd," and "flock" are all collective nouns.
Some common examples of collective nouns include:
When using collective nouns, it's important to pay attention to subject-verb agreement. Depending on the context, a collective noun can take a singular or plural verb. For example:
When using collective nouns in sentences, remember to use the appropriate pronouns and verbs to ensure agreement. For example:
The family is going on its annual vacation. (singular)
The committee are casting their votes. (plural)
Now that you've learned about collective nouns, let's practice using them in sentences. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb:
1. The choir ________ singing beautifully. (singular/plural verb)
2. The pack ________ hunting for food. (singular/plural verb)
3. The class ________ working on their projects. (singular/plural verb)
1. The choir is singing beautifully. (singular verb)
2. The pack is hunting for food. (singular verb)
3. The class is working on its projects. (singular verb)