1st Grade English Language Arts Worksheets and Study Guides
The big ideas in First Grade ELA include recognizing letter sounds (phonemic awareness), observing letter patterns, and identifying the basic features of words and how to translate them into spoken language by using phonics.
Language - Conventions of Standard English
FreeWhat is Alphabetizing? You alphabetize when you put words in order by using the alphabet. Words that begin with ‘a’ come first. Words that begin with ‘z’ must be last when you are alphabetizing. Read more...iWorksheets: 34Study Guides: 1 What does Capitalizing ‘I’ Mean? I is a special pronoun that takes the place of your own name. Your own name always begins with a capital, so when you are talking about yourself you use capital I. But you do not need a capital m when you call
yourself me. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1 To categorize means to put words into groups that belong together. A category is a group. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1 What is a Compound Word? A Compound Word is a word that is composed of two or more separate words. Examples: sea + shell = seashell, basket + ball = basketball. Read more...iWorksheets: 4Study Guides: 1 What is a Contraction? A contraction is really two words squeezed together to make a new word. Some of the letters from one or both of the words go away and a special
mark called an apostrophe goes in their place. Read more...iWorksheets: 5Study Guides: 1 What are Nouns? Nouns are words used to identify ideas, actions, qualities, persons, places, or things, or to name a particular one of these. Read more...iWorksheets: 6Study Guides: 1 A period is a special end mark for a sentence that tells. It looks like a round circle. Read more...iWorksheets: 7Study Guides: 1 What is a Pronoun? A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. E.g. I, you we, it, they, someone. Read more...iWorksheets: 6Study Guides: 1 What are the sounds of -ce and -se? Listen carefully to the sound of s and soft c in each word: ace, case. They sound almost exactly the same. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1 Reading Informational Text
What is real and what is fantasy? When you read or write, you hear or tell about real things. But sometimes you read or write about things that can not really happen. This is what we call fantasy. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1 Reading Literature
A main idea is the most important part of a sentence or story. It tells you what it's all about. When you write or read, you keep the main idea in mind. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1 What are Settings? Settings are places.
<br>Schools, homes, a zoo, a street, a town or city are all settings.
<br>Try this!
Find a setting:
a] girl
b] horse
c] house
d] mouse Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1 Retell means "tell it again." When you hear or read a story, you try to remember the important parts. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1 Reading: Foundational Skills
FreeBeginning sounds are the letter sounds you hear at the beginning of a word. Read more...iWorksheets: 37Study Guides: 1 What is a Consonant Blend? When two consonants come together in a word but still make their own sounds, we call that a blend. Read more...iWorksheets: 9Study Guides: 1 FreeWhat are Ending Sounds? Many words sound almost the same. The sound you hear at the end of a word is important. Listen carefully to hear the end of each word. Say the sound at the end of each word. Read more...iWorksheets: 13Study Guides: 1 What are High Frequency Words? These are words you need to know at sight. That means you read them without trying to sound them out. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1 FreeHigh frequency words are the sight words you need to know as soon as you see them. Good readers do not need to sound them out. Read more...iWorksheets: 4Study Guides: 1 Long vowels say their own names in many words. They have a special helper called Silent e that makes them say their own name. Read more...iWorksheets: 5Study Guides: 1 Rhyming words have the same vowel sound and the same ending sounds. Examples: hat - bat - cat. Read more...iWorksheets: 4Study Guides: 1 Discriminating between short vowel sounds with one syllable words. Read more...iWorksheets: 4Study Guides: 1 What is a Short Vowel? The vowels are the letters, a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y. Vowels make special sounds in words. They make a sound we call short. Look at these
words. They all have the short vowel sound. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1 Speaking and Listening
A complete sentence is a group of words in speaking order. The words tell a complete idea. They tell the whole idea. A complete sentence tells who or what the idea is about. It also tells what happens. Read more...iWorksheets: 28Study Guides: 1 A prediction is what you think will happen next. You do not just guess. You use clues in the picture to decide what will happen next. Read more...iWorksheets: 6Study Guides: 1 Writing
What are Three-Step Directions? Three-step directions are actions you take to do a job. You follow them in three steps to do the job well. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1 FreeSpelling: forming words with the correct letters in the correct order. Spelling three or four letter words. Read more...iWorksheets: 97Study Guides: 1 What is Logical Order? Logical order is how things happen in real life. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1 Standards
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