STAAR Grade 4 Writing Assessment
Reporting Category 3: Editing - The student will demonstrate an ability to edit a variety of texts.
Oral and Written Conventions/Conventions. Students understand the function of and use the conventions of academic language when speaking and writing. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to:
Use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking:
Nouns (singular/plural, common/proper). Supporting Standard (STAAR)
Adjectives (e.g., descriptive, including purpose: sleeping bag, frying pan) and their comparative and superlative forms (e.g., fast, faster, fastest). Supporting Standard (STAAR)
Correlative conjunctions (e.g., either/or, neither/nor). Supporting Standard (STAAR)
Use complete simple and compound sentences with correct subject-verb agreement. Supporting Standard (STAAR)
Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to:
Spell words with more advanced orthographic patterns and rules: Readiness Standard
Plural rules (e.g., words ending in f as in leaf, leaves; adding -es). Supporting Standard (STAAR)