When comparing numbers, we are determining the relationship between two or more numbers. There are three main comparison symbols we use:
When comparing numbers, it's important to understand the value of each digit in the numbers. The digit at the leftmost place value (like tens or hundreds) has a greater value than the digit to its right. For example, in the number 36, the digit 3 is in the tens place and has a greater value than the digit 6 in the ones place.
Here are some examples of comparing numbers:
Example 1: Compare 14 and 20
14 < 20 (Read as "14 is less than 20")
Example 2: Compare 8 and 8
8 = 8 (Read as "8 is equal to 8")
Example 3: Compare 25 and 17
25 > 17 (Read as "25 is greater than 17")
By using comparison symbols, we can easily determine the relationship between different numbers.