Math Worksheets and Study Guides Fifth Grade



Algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols Read more...iWorksheets: 11Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1

Common Factors

Factors are two numbers multiplied together to get a product (an answer to a multiplication problem) Read more...iWorksheets: 6Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1


FreeEstimation is an approximate calculation. Read more...iWorksheets: 4Study Guides: 1

Exponential & Scientific Notation

Exponential notation is shorten way of expressing a large number using exponents. Read more...iWorksheets: 6Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1

Less Than, Greater Than

Compare fractions and decimals using <, >, or =. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1

Order of Operations

FreeRules of Order of Operations: 1st: Compute all operations inside of parentheses. 2nd: Compute all work with exponents. 3rd: Compute all multiplication and division from left to right. 4th: Compute all addition and subtraction from left to right. Read more...iWorksheets: 5Study Guides: 1


Patterns in shapes and numbers. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1


A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. Read more...iWorksheets: 8Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1

Positive & Negative Integers

Positive integers are all the whole numbers greater than zero. Negative integers are all the opposites of these whole numbers, numbers that are less than zero. Zero is considered neither positive nor negative Read more...iWorksheets: 5Study Guides: 1


FreeProbability word problems worksheet. Probability is the measure of how likely an event is. Probability = (Total ways a specific outcome will happen) / (Total number of possible outcomes). The probability of event A is the number of ways event A can occur divided by the total number of possible outcomes. Read more...iWorksheets: 4Study Guides: 1


Ratios are used to make a comparison between two things. Read more...iWorksheets: 11Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1


The statistical mode is the number that occurs most frequently in a set of numbers. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1

Fractions & Decimals

Add/Subtract Fractions

Freeis one of the four basic operations of arithmetic, with the others being subtraction, multiplication and division. The addition of two whole numbers is the total amount of those quantities combined. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1

Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide Decimals

You add/subtract/multiply/divide decimals the same way you add/subtract/multiply/divide whole numbers BUT you also need to place the decimal in the correct spot. When multiplying decimals, the decimals may or may NOT be lined up in the multiplication problem. Read more...iWorksheets: 11Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1

Adding Fractions

Fractions consist of two numbers. The top number is called the numerator. The bottom number is called the denominator. To add two fractions with the same denominator: Add the numerators and place the sum over the common denominator. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1

Compare and Order Fractions

When comparing two fractions that have a common denominator, you can looks at the numerators to decide which fraction is greater Read more...iWorksheets: 4Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1

Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent fractions are fractions that have EQUAL value. Read more...iWorksheets: 5Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1


How to convert fractions to decimals: Divide the denominator (the bottom part) into the numerator (the top part). Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1

Ordering Decimals

When putting decimals in order from least to greatest, we must look at the highest place value first. Read more...iWorksheets: 7Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1

Ordering Fractions

A fraction consists of two numbers separated by a line - numerator and denominator. To order fractions with like numerators, look at the denominators and compare them two at a time. The fraction with the smaller denominator is the larger fraction. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1

Simplify Fractions

Simplifying fractions means to make the fraction as simple as possible. Read more...iWorksheets: 5Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1

Subtracting Fractions

Fractions consist of two numbers. The top number is called the numerator. The bottom number is called the denominator. First, make sure the denominators are the same, then subtract the numerators. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1



A right angle is an angle that measures 90°. A straight angle is an angle that measures 180°. An obtuse angle is an angle that measures more than 90°. An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90°. Read more...iWorksheets: 10Study Guides: 1


Area is the number of square units needed to cover a flat surface. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1

Congruent Shapes

Figures are congruent if they are identical in every way except for their position. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1


A polygon is any 2-dimensional shape formed with straight lines. The perimeter of a polygon is the sum of all its length. Read more...iWorksheets: 8Study Guides: 1

Plot Points

You use plot points to place a point on a coordinate plane by using X and Y coordinates to draw on a coordinate grid. Read more...iWorksheets: 5Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1

Polygon Characteristics

A polygon is a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more. Read more...iWorksheets: 8Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1

Measurement & Data

Data Analysis

Collecting Data. Data = information. You can collect data from other people using polls and surveys. Recording Data. You can record the numerical data you collected on a chart or graph: bar graphs, pictographs, line graphs, pie charts, column charts. Read more...iWorksheets: 19Study Guides: 1

Elapsed Time

Elapsed time is the amount of time that has passed between two defined times. Read more...iWorksheets: 8Study Guides: 1

Graphs and Tables

Using tables and graphs is a way people can interpret data. Data means information. So interpreting data just means working out what information is telling you. Information is sometimes shown in tables, charts and graphs to make the information easier to read. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1


Measurement is the assignment of a number to a characteristic of an object or event, which can be compared with other objects or events. Read more...iWorksheets: 16Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 3

Volume and Capacity

What is volume? Volume is the 3-dimensional size of an object, such as a box. What is capacity? Capacity is the amount a 3-dimensional object can hold or carry. It can also be thought of the measure of volume of a 3-dimensional object. Read more...iWorksheets: 5Study Guides: 1

Number & Operations

Compare and Order Numbers

Comparing two numbers and deciding which one is greater Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1


Divide three-digit numbers by one- and two-digit numbers. Read more...iWorksheets: 7Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1


Multiplication is one of the four elementary, mathematical operations of arithmetic. Read more...iWorksheets: 7Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1

Place Value

Place value is the numerical value that a digit has by virtue of its position in a number. Read more...iWorksheets: 6Study Guides: 1


Rounding makes numbers that are easier to work with in your head. Rounded numbers are only approximate. Use rounding to get an answer that is close but that does not have to be exact. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1

Whole Numbers to Millions

A whole number is a number without fractions. Read more...iWorksheets: 5Study Guides: 1Vocabulary: 1

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