Approximate value is the value that is close to the exact value, but not necessarily the exact value. Approximating a value is useful when you need a quick estimate or when exact values are not necessary for the context.
There are several methods for approximating values:
Here are some examples of approximating values:
Answer: 348
Answer: 450
Answer: The square root of 85 is between the square roots of 81 (9) and 100 (10), so it's approximately 9.2.
Now, let's practice some questions to reinforce your understanding of approximate value:
Answer: 523.9
Answer: 2900
Answer: The square root of 120 is between the square roots of 100 (10) and 121 (11), so it's approximately 10.9.
Understanding how to approximate values is an important skill in mathematics and everyday life. It allows us to make quick calculations and estimations without needing exact values. Practice and apply the methods mentioned above to become proficient in approximating values.