Bisect In geometry , to bisect something means to divide it into two equal parts. This can apply to lines , angles , or shapes . When a line or angle is bisected, it is divided into two equal parts.
To bisect a line segment , follow these steps:
Use a ruler to draw the line segment you want to bisect. With a compass, place the pointed end at one end of the line segment and draw an arc that crosses the line . Without changing the compass width , place the pointed end at the other end of the line segment and draw another arc that crosses the first arc. Draw a straight line connecting the two intersection points of the arcs. This line will bisect the original line segment into two equal parts. Bisecting an Angle To bisect an angle , follow these steps:
Use a protractor to draw the angle you want to bisect. With a compass, place the pointed end at the vertex of the angle and draw an arc that intersects both sides of the angle . Without changing the compass width , place the pointed end at one of the intersection points and draw another arc inside the angle . Repeat the previous step using the other intersection point . Draw a straight line from the vertex of the angle to the intersection point of the two arcs. This line will bisect the angle into two equal parts. Practice Problems 1. Bisect the line segment AB, where A = (2, 4) and B = (6, 8).
2. Bisect the angle XYZ, where angle XYZ = 120 degrees.
Once you have understood and practiced the above steps, you will have a good grasp of the concept of bisecting in geometry .