Composition refers to the different parts or elements that make up something. In science, composition is often used to describe the makeup of a substance, such as a compound, mixture, or object.
Structural Composition: This refers to how the parts of an object or substance are arranged and connected. For example, the structural composition of a building includes the arrangement of bricks, concrete, and steel beams.
Studying Composition
When studying composition in science, it's important to be able to analyze and understand the different parts that make up a substance or object. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:
Identify the different components or elements present.
Understand the proportions or quantities of each component in the composition.
Consider how the components are arranged or connected to form the whole.
Recognize the properties and characteristics of each component and how they contribute to the overall composition.
By understanding composition, scientists can better understand the properties and behaviors of substances and objects, leading to advancements in various fields of study.
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