A natural satellite, also known as a moon, is a celestial body that orbits a planet. Moons are formed from the same material as the planets they orbit and are usually made of rock and metal or a mixture of the two. Moons come in many different sizes and shapes, and they play a vital role in the dynamics of their parent planets.
Scientific Study:Moons provide valuable information about the formation and history of the solar system, and some may even harbor conditions suitable for life.
The Living Environment: Students understand that cells are the basic unit of life, that all life as we know it has evolved through genetic transfer and natural selection to create a great diversity of organisms, and that these organisms create interdependent webs through which matter and energy flow. Students understand similarities and differences between humans and other organisms and the interconnections of these interdependent webs.
Cells: Students describe how living things are made up of one or more cells and the ways cells help organisms meet their basic needs.
Give examples of organisms that consist of a single cell and organisms that are made of a collection of cells.