A food web is a complex network of interrelated food chains in an ecosystem. It represents the flow of energy and nutrients through various organisms in a community.
Use the following questions to guide your study of food webs:
A food web is a network of interconnected food chains, whereas a food chain represents a single pathway of energy and nutrients from one organism to another.
Producers are organisms that can produce their own food through photosynthesis, consumers obtain energy by consuming other organisms, and decomposers break down dead organic matter.
Trophic levels are the different levels in a food web, including producers (plants, algae), primary consumers (herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivores), and so on.
Energy flows from one trophic level to another as organisms are consumed, and this transfer of energy is crucial for sustaining life within the ecosystem.
Human activities such as deforestation, overfishing, and pollution can disrupt food webs, leading to imbalances and potential collapse of ecosystems.