A number line is a visual representation of numbers in order from least to greatest. It is a straight line with numbers placed at equal intervals. The numbers to the right of zero are positive, and the numbers to the left of zero are negative.
On a number line, each point corresponds to a number. For example, if you have the number 5, you would locate the point labeled 5 on the number line. Similarly, if you have the number -3, you would locate the point labeled -3 on the number line.
Number lines are useful for understanding the concept of magnitude, comparing numbers, and performing operations such as addition and subtraction. For example, to add 3 to 5, you would start at 5 on the number line and move 3 units to the right to reach the sum, which is 8.
Overall, the number line is a helpful tool for visualizing and understanding the relationship between numbers and their positions in relation to each other.