Whole numbers are the set of numbers that includes all the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, ...) and zero (0). They are used to represent quantities, counts, or to describe a position in a sequence. Whole numbers are important in various mathematical operations and form the foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts.
To understand whole numbers better, here are some key points to focus on:1. Understanding Place Value: Practice identifying the place value of digits in whole numbers.
2. Comparing Whole Numbers: Learn how to compare whole numbers using symbols like <, >, and =.
3. Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers: Master the techniques for adding and subtracting whole numbers, including carrying and borrowing.
4. Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers: Practice the multiplication tables and understand the concept of division as repeated subtraction.
Example 1: Add the whole numbers 456 and 789.
+ 789
1245Example 2: Multiply the whole numbers 23 and 7.
23 x 7 = 161Example 3: Compare the whole numbers 532 and 620 using the symbols <, >.