Significant figures, also known as significant digits, are the digits in a number that carry meaning contributing to its precision. They are important in science and engineering because they tell us how precise a measurement or calculation is. When working with significant figures, it is essential to understand the rules for determining the number of significant figures in a given number and how to perform calculations involving significant figures.
When performing calculations involving numbers with different numbers of significant figures, the result should be rounded to match the least number of significant figures in any of the numbers being used.
When adding or subtracting numbers, the result should be rounded to the same decimal place as the number with the fewest decimal places.
When multiplying or dividing numbers, the result should be rounded to the same number of significant figures as the number with the fewest significant figures.
To master significant figures, follow these steps:
Remember, working with significant figures is important for maintaining precision in scientific measurements and calculations, so practicing and mastering these concepts is crucial for success in science and engineering.