Percentages are used to express a portion out of 100. Understanding percentages is important in many areas, including finance, science, and everyday life. In mathematics, percentages are often used to compare quantities and to solve problems involving ratios and proportions.
1. Convert 0.6 to a percentage.
Answer: 0.6 * 100 = 60%
2. Convert 3/4 to a percentage.
Answer: (3/4) * 100 = 75%
3. Calculate the percent increase if a $50 item is now selling for $65.
Answer: ((65 - 50) / 50) * 100 = 30%
4. Calculate the percent decrease if the temperature drops from 80°F to 68°F.
Answer: ((80 - 68) / 80) * 100 = 15%
Understanding percentages is an essential skill in mathematics. By mastering the conversion between percentages, decimals, and fractions, as well as the calculation of percent increase and decrease, you will be able to apply this knowledge to a wide range of real-world problems.