Short division is a method used to quickly divide numbers without using a calculator. It involves breaking down a division problem into smaller, more manageable steps.
Steps for Short Division : Write the dividend (the number being divided) on the inside of the division symbol and the divisor (the number you're dividing by) on the outside. Start with the leftmost digit of the dividend and divide it by the divisor . Write the quotient above the dividend . Multiply the quotient by the divisor and write the result below the dividend .Subtract the result from the dividend and bring down the next digit from the dividend . Repeat steps 2-4 until all digits have been brought down. The last subtraction result is the remainder . Example: Let's divide 486 by 3 using short division :
1 6 2
3 | 4 8 6
- 3 0
1 8
1 8
So, 486 ÷ 3 = 162 with 0 remainder .
Practice Problems: Divide 725 by 5 using short division .Divide 8943 by 7 using short division .Divide 3569 by 4 using short division .Remember to check your answers by multiplying the quotient by the divisor and adding the remainder to ensure it equals the original dividend .