Missouri Learning Standards for First Grade Math

AttributesFreeAn attribute describes an object. <br>You use attributes to describe two objects when they are not the same. <br>An attribute can tell you if an object is shorter, taller, longer or smaller than another object. Read more...iWorksheets: 19Study Guides: 1Vocabulary Sets: 3
PatternsFreeWhat are Patterns? Patterns are all around us. We can see them in nature, clothing, words, and even floor tiles. Read more...iWorksheets: 18Study Guides: 1Vocabulary Sets: 1
Relative PositionWhat is Relative Position? Relative position describes where an object or person is compared to another object or person. The terms used in relative position are: below, up, next to, left, right, under, over, behind, on front of, far near, down. Read more...iWorksheets: 12Study Guides: 1Vocabulary Sets: 2
Days of the WeekWhat are the days of the week? There are seven days in a week. They are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Saturday and Sunday are considered weekends. Monday through Friday are considered weekdays. Read more...iWorksheets: 4Study Guides: 1Vocabulary Sets: 1
MeasurementFreeWhat is measurement? Measurement is used in our everyday lives. We measure to cook or bake, and how far away a place is. There are metric measurements which include liters, centimeters, grams and kilograms. Read more...iWorksheets: 14Study Guides: 1Vocabulary Sets: 2
Months of the YearFreeThere are twelve months in one year. The months are always in the same order. Read more...iWorksheets: 5Study Guides: 1Vocabulary Sets: 1
OrdinalsAn ordinal is an object’s position in the order of a group. An ordinal tells whether an object is first or fifth. Read more...iWorksheets: 4Study Guides: 1Vocabulary Sets: 2

MO.1.NS. Number Sense

1.NS.A. Understand and use numbers up to 120.

1.NS.A.1. Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120.
SequencingSequencing is when when you count, numbers go in a specific order. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Odd and EvenAll numbers are either odd or even. When a number is even, it can be split into two sets without any leftovers. When you split a number into two sets and there is one left over, that means the number is odd. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
Using Number LineWhat is a Number Line? Number lines can be used to help with many different ways. The most common ways are for addition and subtraction. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
One More, One LessCount forward by 1 or count backwards by 1. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Counting to 999When you count, you start with the number 1 and stop counting after you count the last object you happen to be counting. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Odd and EvenWhat are Odd and Even Numbers? ODD numbers are numbers that CAN NOT be equally divided in half, by 2. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1
Double Digit Addition without RegroupingSteps to follow when adding a double-digit number:<br> First: Add the two numbers in the ONES place.<br> Second: Add the two numbers in the TENS place. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
SequencingWhat is Sequencing? Sequencing means in order. When we count, we count in order or in a sequence. We use sequencing in our every day lives. We follow directions and count in sequence. Try counting by ones. As you say the number, put your finger on the number on the page. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
One Less, One MoreWhat is One Less or One More? One less means the number that comes before. One more means the number that comes after. How to figure out one more: If you are given a number, say 2. You are asked to find the number that is one more. You count on from 2 and the answer is 3. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
1.NS.A.2. Read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.
Number WordsNumber words are the words you write for a number. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Comparing NumbersWhen comparing two numbers, you figure out if one number is GREATER or LESS THAN the other number. You can use SIGNS to show if a number is greater than, less than, or equal to another number. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
1.NS.A.4. Count by 5s to 100 starting at any multiple of five.
Skip CountingSkip counting is when you SKIP a number or numbers when counting. Counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5, and 10s. Read more...iWorksheets :6Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Skip CountingWhat is Skip Counting? Skip counting means you do not say every number as you count. You only count special numbers. There are many different ways to skip count. E.g. when counting by twos, you only say every second number: 2 4 6 8 10. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

MO.1.NBT. Number Sense and Operations in Base Ten

1.NBT.A. Understand place value of two-digit numbers.

1.NBT.A.1. Understand that 10 can be thought of as a bundle of 10 ones – called a “ten”.
Place ValueWhat is Place Value? Place value is the AMOUNT that each digit is worth in a number. A number can have MANY place values. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
Place ValueWhat is place value? Place value is the amount that each digit is worth in a numeral. There are many different place values. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
1.NBT.A.2. Understand two-digit numbers are composed of ten(s) and one(s).
Place ValueWhat is Place Value? Place value is the AMOUNT that each digit is worth in a number. A number can have MANY place values. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
Place ValueWhat is place value? Place value is the amount that each digit is worth in a numeral. There are many different place values. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
1.NBT.A.3. Compare two two-digit numbers using the symbols &gt;, = or &lt;.
SequencingSequencing is when when you count, numbers go in a specific order. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Using Number LineWhat is a Number Line? Number lines can be used to help with many different ways. The most common ways are for addition and subtraction. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
Counting to 999When you count, you start with the number 1 and stop counting after you count the last object you happen to be counting. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Comparing NumbersWhen comparing two numbers, you figure out if one number is GREATER or LESS THAN the other number. You can use SIGNS to show if a number is greater than, less than, or equal to another number. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
Greater Than, Less ThanWhen a number is greater than another number, it means that is is larger. > is the greater than symbol. < is the less than symbol. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Ordering Numbers and Objects by SizeWhat is Ordering? Ordering is when numbers or objects are in a sequence. They may go from smallest to largest. They may go from largest to smallest. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1
SequencingWhat is Sequencing? Sequencing means in order. When we count, we count in order or in a sequence. We use sequencing in our every day lives. We follow directions and count in sequence. Try counting by ones. As you say the number, put your finger on the number on the page. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
1.NBT.A.4. Count by 10s to 120 starting at any number.
Skip CountingSkip counting is when you SKIP a number or numbers when counting. Counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5, and 10s. Read more...iWorksheets :6Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Skip CountingWhat is Skip Counting? Skip counting means you do not say every number as you count. You only count special numbers. There are many different ways to skip count. E.g. when counting by twos, you only say every second number: 2 4 6 8 10. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

1.NBT.B. Use place value understanding to add and subtract.

1.NBT.B.5. Add within 100.
Story ProblemsStory problems are a set of sentences that give you the information to a problem that you need to solve. With a story problem, it is your job to figure out whether you will use addition or subtraction to solve the problem. Read more...iWorksheets :6Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Using Number LineWhat is a Number Line? Number lines can be used to help with many different ways. The most common ways are for addition and subtraction. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
One More, One LessCount forward by 1 or count backwards by 1. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Commutative PropertyWhat is the commutative property? It is used in addition. Commutative property is when a number sentence is turned around and it still means the same thing. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Addition FactsFreeWhen you add, you combine two or more numbers together to get ONE answer… one SUM. A sum is the answer to an addition problem. Read more...iWorksheets :10Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
Double Digit Addition without RegroupingSteps to follow when adding a double-digit number:<br> First: Add the two numbers in the ONES place.<br> Second: Add the two numbers in the TENS place. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Story ProblemsA story problem is a word problem that contains a problem you need to solve by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing in order to figure out the answer. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Addition FactsFreeWhat is Addition? Addition is taking two groups of objects and putting them together. When adding, the answer gets larger. When you add 0, the answer remains the same. <br>How to Add: The two numbers you are adding together are called addends. Read more...iWorksheets :15Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
One Less, One MoreWhat is One Less or One More? One less means the number that comes before. One more means the number that comes after. How to figure out one more: If you are given a number, say 2. You are asked to find the number that is one more. You count on from 2 and the answer is 3. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

MO.1.RA. Relationships and Algebraic Thinking

1.RA.A. Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.

1.RA.A.1. Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve problems.
Story ProblemsStory problems are a set of sentences that give you the information to a problem that you need to solve. With a story problem, it is your job to figure out whether you will use addition or subtraction to solve the problem. Read more...iWorksheets :6Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction FactsSubtract means to take away. The meaning of 3-2=1 is that two objects are taken away from a group of three objects and one object remains. Subtraction Facts fun Worksheets and Printables. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction is not CommutativeCommutative means you can switch around the numbers you are using without changing the result. Addition is commutative. Subtraction, however, is not commutative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction FactsSubtraction is taking a group of objects and separating them. When you subtract, your answer gets smaller. If you subtract zero from a number, you answer will stay the same. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Using Number LineWhat is a Number Line? Number lines can be used to help with many different ways. The most common ways are for addition and subtraction. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
One More, One LessCount forward by 1 or count backwards by 1. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Commutative PropertyWhat is the commutative property? It is used in addition. Commutative property is when a number sentence is turned around and it still means the same thing. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Addition FactsFreeWhen you add, you combine two or more numbers together to get ONE answer… one SUM. A sum is the answer to an addition problem. Read more...iWorksheets :10Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
Double Digit Addition without RegroupingSteps to follow when adding a double-digit number:<br> First: Add the two numbers in the ONES place.<br> Second: Add the two numbers in the TENS place. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Story ProblemsA story problem is a word problem that contains a problem you need to solve by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing in order to figure out the answer. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Addition FactsFreeWhat is Addition? Addition is taking two groups of objects and putting them together. When adding, the answer gets larger. When you add 0, the answer remains the same. <br>How to Add: The two numbers you are adding together are called addends. Read more...iWorksheets :15Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
One Less, One MoreWhat is One Less or One More? One less means the number that comes before. One more means the number that comes after. How to figure out one more: If you are given a number, say 2. You are asked to find the number that is one more. You count on from 2 and the answer is 3. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
1.RA.A.3. Develop the meaning of the equal sign and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false.
SymmetryWhat is Symmetry? Symmetry is when a shape or an object can be folded and both sides of the fold are the same size and shape. The fold line is called the line of symmetry. Not all shapes or objects have a line of symmetry. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1

1.RA.B. Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction.

1.RA.B.5. Use properties as strategies to add and subtract.
Commutative PropertyWhat is the commutative property? It is used in addition. Commutative property is when a number sentence is turned around and it still means the same thing. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
1.RA.B.6. Demonstrate that subtraction can be solved as an unknown-addend problem.
Story ProblemsStory problems are a set of sentences that give you the information to a problem that you need to solve. With a story problem, it is your job to figure out whether you will use addition or subtraction to solve the problem. Read more...iWorksheets :6Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction FactsSubtract means to take away. The meaning of 3-2=1 is that two objects are taken away from a group of three objects and one object remains. Subtraction Facts fun Worksheets and Printables. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction is not CommutativeCommutative means you can switch around the numbers you are using without changing the result. Addition is commutative. Subtraction, however, is not commutative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction FactsSubtraction is taking a group of objects and separating them. When you subtract, your answer gets smaller. If you subtract zero from a number, you answer will stay the same. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Using Number LineWhat is a Number Line? Number lines can be used to help with many different ways. The most common ways are for addition and subtraction. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
One More, One LessCount forward by 1 or count backwards by 1. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Commutative PropertyWhat is the commutative property? It is used in addition. Commutative property is when a number sentence is turned around and it still means the same thing. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Addition FactsFreeWhen you add, you combine two or more numbers together to get ONE answer… one SUM. A sum is the answer to an addition problem. Read more...iWorksheets :10Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
Double Digit Addition without RegroupingSteps to follow when adding a double-digit number:<br> First: Add the two numbers in the ONES place.<br> Second: Add the two numbers in the TENS place. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Story ProblemsA story problem is a word problem that contains a problem you need to solve by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing in order to figure out the answer. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Addition FactsFreeWhat is Addition? Addition is taking two groups of objects and putting them together. When adding, the answer gets larger. When you add 0, the answer remains the same. <br>How to Add: The two numbers you are adding together are called addends. Read more...iWorksheets :15Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
One Less, One MoreWhat is One Less or One More? One less means the number that comes before. One more means the number that comes after. How to figure out one more: If you are given a number, say 2. You are asked to find the number that is one more. You count on from 2 and the answer is 3. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

1.RA.C. Add and subtract within 20.

1.RA.C.7. Add and subtract within 20.
Story ProblemsStory problems are a set of sentences that give you the information to a problem that you need to solve. With a story problem, it is your job to figure out whether you will use addition or subtraction to solve the problem. Read more...iWorksheets :6Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction FactsSubtract means to take away. The meaning of 3-2=1 is that two objects are taken away from a group of three objects and one object remains. Subtraction Facts fun Worksheets and Printables. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction is not CommutativeCommutative means you can switch around the numbers you are using without changing the result. Addition is commutative. Subtraction, however, is not commutative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction FactsSubtraction is taking a group of objects and separating them. When you subtract, your answer gets smaller. If you subtract zero from a number, you answer will stay the same. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Using Number LineWhat is a Number Line? Number lines can be used to help with many different ways. The most common ways are for addition and subtraction. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
One More, One LessCount forward by 1 or count backwards by 1. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Commutative PropertyWhat is the commutative property? It is used in addition. Commutative property is when a number sentence is turned around and it still means the same thing. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Addition FactsFreeWhen you add, you combine two or more numbers together to get ONE answer… one SUM. A sum is the answer to an addition problem. Read more...iWorksheets :10Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
Double Digit Addition without RegroupingSteps to follow when adding a double-digit number:<br> First: Add the two numbers in the ONES place.<br> Second: Add the two numbers in the TENS place. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Story ProblemsA story problem is a word problem that contains a problem you need to solve by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing in order to figure out the answer. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Addition FactsFreeWhat is Addition? Addition is taking two groups of objects and putting them together. When adding, the answer gets larger. When you add 0, the answer remains the same. <br>How to Add: The two numbers you are adding together are called addends. Read more...iWorksheets :15Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
One Less, One MoreWhat is One Less or One More? One less means the number that comes before. One more means the number that comes after. How to figure out one more: If you are given a number, say 2. You are asked to find the number that is one more. You count on from 2 and the answer is 3. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
1.RA.C.8. Demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction within 10.
Story ProblemsStory problems are a set of sentences that give you the information to a problem that you need to solve. With a story problem, it is your job to figure out whether you will use addition or subtraction to solve the problem. Read more...iWorksheets :6Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction FactsSubtract means to take away. The meaning of 3-2=1 is that two objects are taken away from a group of three objects and one object remains. Subtraction Facts fun Worksheets and Printables. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction is not CommutativeCommutative means you can switch around the numbers you are using without changing the result. Addition is commutative. Subtraction, however, is not commutative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Subtraction FactsSubtraction is taking a group of objects and separating them. When you subtract, your answer gets smaller. If you subtract zero from a number, you answer will stay the same. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Using Number LineWhat is a Number Line? Number lines can be used to help with many different ways. The most common ways are for addition and subtraction. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
One More, One LessCount forward by 1 or count backwards by 1. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Commutative PropertyWhat is the commutative property? It is used in addition. Commutative property is when a number sentence is turned around and it still means the same thing. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Addition FactsFreeWhen you add, you combine two or more numbers together to get ONE answer… one SUM. A sum is the answer to an addition problem. Read more...iWorksheets :10Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
Double Digit Addition without RegroupingSteps to follow when adding a double-digit number:<br> First: Add the two numbers in the ONES place.<br> Second: Add the two numbers in the TENS place. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Story ProblemsA story problem is a word problem that contains a problem you need to solve by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing in order to figure out the answer. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Addition FactsFreeWhat is Addition? Addition is taking two groups of objects and putting them together. When adding, the answer gets larger. When you add 0, the answer remains the same. <br>How to Add: The two numbers you are adding together are called addends. Read more...iWorksheets :15Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
One Less, One MoreWhat is One Less or One More? One less means the number that comes before. One more means the number that comes after. How to figure out one more: If you are given a number, say 2. You are asked to find the number that is one more. You count on from 2 and the answer is 3. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

MO.1.GM. Geometry and Measurement

1.GM.A. Reason with shapes and their attributes.

1.GM.A.3. Recognize two- and three-dimensional shapes from different perspectives and orientations.
ShapesFreeA shape is the form something takes. Read more...iWorksheets :12Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
TemperatureTemperature is what we use to measure how hot or cold things are. A thermometer is used to measure temperature. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
SymmetryWhat is Symmetry? Symmetry is when a shape or an object can be folded and both sides of the fold are the same size and shape. The fold line is called the line of symmetry. Not all shapes or objects have a line of symmetry. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
SolidsWhat are solid figures? Solid figures are 3-dimensional figures that have length, width, and height. Solid figures have faces on them. A face is a FLAT surface on a solid figure and can be different shapes. Read more...iWorksheets :7Study Guides :1
1.GM.A.4. Partition circles and rectangles into two or four equal shares, and describe the shares and the wholes verbally.
Fractions Greater Than or Less Than 1/2Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc., and describe the whole as two halves, three thirds, four fourths. Recognize that equal shares of identical wholes need not have the same shape. Read more...iWorksheets :5Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
FractionsWhat are fractions? When an object is broken into a number of parts, these parts must all be the same size. These equal parts can be counted to become a fraction of that object. Read more...iWorksheets :8Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
FractionsA fraction is a part of a whole. Fractions for 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8, 1/10, and 1/12 Read more...iWorksheets :7Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2

1.GM.B. Measure lengths in non-standard units.

1.GM.B.5. Order three or more objects by length.
Comparing ObjectsWhen you compare two objects, you identify how the objects are ALIKE and how they are DIFFERENT. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
TemperatureTemperature is what we use to measure how hot or cold things are. A thermometer is used to measure temperature. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
1.GM.B.6. Compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object.
Comparing ObjectsWhen you compare two objects, you identify how the objects are ALIKE and how they are DIFFERENT. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
TemperatureTemperature is what we use to measure how hot or cold things are. A thermometer is used to measure temperature. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

1.GM.C. Work with time and money.

1.GM.C.8. Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.
TimeTell time to the nearest hour, half hour, and quarter hour. Read more...iWorksheets :15Study Guides :1Vocabulary :2
Telling TimeFreeTime is measuring of how long it takes to do different activities like playing a game, doing your Math homework or riding your bike. A clock measures time. It helps us know the time. Time is measured in hours and minutes. Read more...iWorksheets :10Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
1.GM.C.9. Know the value of a penny, nickel, dime and quarter.
MoneyFreeMoney is a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes. Read more...iWorksheets :6Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1
Counting CoinsMoney is what we use to buy the things we want or need. Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters are all the forms of US money. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1Vocabulary :1

MO.1.DS. Data and Statistics

1.DS.A. Represent and interpret data.

1.DS.A.2. Draw conclusions from object graphs, picture graphs, T-charts and tallies.
GraphsGraphs are visual displays of data and information. A bar graph is a graph that uses BARS to show data. Bar graphs are used to compare two or more objects or people. Graphs and charts allow people to learn information quickly and easily. Read more...iWorksheets :9Study Guides :1


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