Equivalent values are numbers that have the same worth or represent the same quantity, despite being expressed in different forms. For example, the fractions 1/2 and 2/4 are equivalent values because they represent the same portion of a whole. Another example is the decimal 0.5 and the percentage 50%, as they both represent half of a whole.In terms of whole numbers, 4 + 4 is equivalent to 8, and 3 x 3 is equivalent to 9. In each case, the numbers may be different, but they have the same value.Visually, equivalent values can be represented on a number line, where different representations (fractions, decimals, percentages) can be found at the same point on the line, indicating their equivalence.Understanding equivalent values is important in mathematics as it helps in simplifying calculations, comparing different forms of numbers, and solving equations. It is a fundamental concept for building a strong foundation in mathematics..