In math, "less than" is a comparison between two numbers to determine which is smaller. The symbol used to denote "less than" is < (less than symbol).
If we have the numbers 5 and 8, we can say that 5 is less than 8, which can be written as 5 < 8. This means 5 is smaller than 8.
When reading a "less than" statement, we can say "5 is less than 8" or "8 is greater than 5". Both statements convey the same comparison between the two numbers.
In inequality notation, "less than" is represented by the < (less than) symbol. For example, 3 < 7 means "3 is less than 7".
When comparing numbers, if the number on the left of the < symbol is smaller than the number on the right, the statement is true. For example, 4 < 9 is a true statement because 4 is smaller than 9.
Understanding "less than" is essential for comparing numbers and understanding their relationships in mathematics.