Maryland Standards for Eighth Grade English Language Arts

CapitalizationWhich Words Should Be Capitalized? In English, there are very specific rules for capitalizing words. The following categories of words should always be capitalized: Languages: French; Races: Native Americans; Nationalities: Spanish; School: Subjects Math II; Brand Names: Coca Cola; Ships: Titanic; Books: Hatchet by Gary Paulsen; Newspapers: New York Times; Magazines: Newsweek; Songs: The Star-Spangled Banner; Movies: King Kong; Abbreviations: A.M. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1
Adding New Words to Our LanguageFreeOne way that words are added to our language is by word borrowing. Words are "borrowed" from other countries and from other languages. Examples: Tomahawk is the Native American word for a kind of weapon, Spaghetti is a word that came from Italy, Taco is a word that came from Mexico. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1
Reading and the InternetThe letters that are typed in to find a particular website are called the web address. A website address that is saved in the computer's memory is called a bookmark. An email address contains three parts: the name, the "at" symbol, and the name of the Internet Service Provider. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1
Reading RateWhat is Reading Rate? Reading rate is the speed at which a person reads a particular text. A person needs to determine the purpose for reading before he/she chooses a reading rate. Purposes of Reading: Scanning - reading to find a specific fact or detail; Skimming - reading to get an overview of the text; Reading for comprehension - demands careful, thoughtful reading from the student, and rereading may be required. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1
Titles and AuthorsA student searching for a terrific book may want to try a book that has won a Newbery Medal. The Newbery Medal has been presented yearly since 1922 to the author of the most outstanding book written for children in the United States in the preceding year. The winning author must be either a citizen or a resident of the United States of America. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1
Gerunds, Infinitives, and ParticiplesWhat is a Gerund? A gerund is a verb that is used as a noun. A gerund is formed by adding -ing to the present form of a verb. What is an Infinitive? An infinitive is a verb that is used as a noun, adjective, or adverb. The word to is known as the sign of the infinitive. What is a Participle? A participle is a verb that is used as an adjective. The two types of participles are present participles and past participles. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1
Library SkillsWhat Can Be Found in a Library? Books, almanacs, atlases, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries, and encyclopedias can be found in a library/media center. Most libraries are divided into areas, called sections: The Stacks: fiction and nonfiction books; Periodicals: magazines and newspapers; Reference, encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, and almanacs; Catalog: online catalog or card catalog drawers. Read more...iWorksheets: 3Study Guides: 1
Reading-Structural AnalysisWhat is Structural Analysis in Reading? In order to derive the meanings of words, it is helpful to analyze the structure of the words in English: Is there a Latin or a Greek root word? Is the word a base word that can stand alone? Are there prefixes and suffixes added to the base word? What are the meanings of the affixes added to the base word? Is the word a shortened form of a longer word? Read more...iWorksheets: 5Study Guides: 1

MD.1.0. General Reading Processes

1.D. Students will use a variety of strategies and opportunities to understand word meaning and to increase vocabulary.

1.D.1. Develop and apply vocabulary through exposure to a variety of texts
1.D.1.b. Discuss words and word meanings daily as they are encountered in text, instruction, and conversation
Conducting Interviews and DiscussionsWhat is an Interview? A conversation in which the purpose is to gather information is known as an interview. An effective interview should have a clear purpose. Before an interview, the interviewer should prepare a list of questions. An interviewer should make an appointment with the person he/she is interviewing. An interviewer should be prompt for his/her appointment. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
1.D.3. Understand, acquire, and use new vocabulary
1.D.3.a. Use context to determine the meanings of words
Vocabulary What Is Vocabulary? Vocabulary refers to a collection of words. Our English vocabulary developed in a variety of ways: Names of people and places provide some English words. Rudolf Diesel invented an engine that is named after him. The first letters of words, called acronyms, provide new words for our language. Shortened words provide some new English words. The word hamburger provides the shortened word burger. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
1.D.3.c. Use resources to confirm definitions and gather further information about words
Dictionary SkillsA dictionary is a useful tool in the study of words. Words are listed alphabetically in a dictionary so that they are easy to find. We look up words in a dictionary to find out about the word, including how to use it, what it means, and other important attributes of the word. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Using ReferencesWhat is a Reference? A reference is a book or an online source where a student can find facts. Examples: Encyclopedia, Atlas, Dictionary, Thesaurus, Almanac, Magazine, Pamphlet, Catalog. What reference is the Guinness Book of World Records? Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

1.E. Students will use a variety of strategies to understand what they read (construct meaning).

1.E.1. Apply and refine comprehension skills through exposure to a variety of print and non-print texts, including traditional print and electronic texts
1.E.1.c. Discuss reactions to and ideas/information gained from reading experiences with adults and peers in both formal and informal situations
Conducting Interviews and DiscussionsWhat is an Interview? A conversation in which the purpose is to gather information is known as an interview. An effective interview should have a clear purpose. Before an interview, the interviewer should prepare a list of questions. An interviewer should make an appointment with the person he/she is interviewing. An interviewer should be prompt for his/her appointment. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
1.E.2. Use strategies to prepare for reading (before reading)
1.E.2.a. Select and apply appropriate strategies to prepare for reading the text
Reading ProcessWhat Is the Reading Process? The steps a student follows in reading effectively are called the reading process. The step in the reading process when a student looks over the selection is. Certain genres of literature need to be read more than once. This step in the reading process is called rereading. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
1.E.3. Use strategies to make meaning from text (during reading)
1.E.3.a. Select and apply appropriate strategies to make meaning from text during reading
Reading ProcessWhat Is the Reading Process? The steps a student follows in reading effectively are called the reading process. The step in the reading process when a student looks over the selection is. Certain genres of literature need to be read more than once. This step in the reading process is called rereading. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
1.E.4. Use strategies to demonstrate understanding of the text (after reading)
1.E.4.b. Identify and explain information directly stated in the text
Reading ProcessWhat Is the Reading Process? The steps a student follows in reading effectively are called the reading process. The step in the reading process when a student looks over the selection is. Certain genres of literature need to be read more than once. This step in the reading process is called rereading. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
1.E.4.c. Draw inferences and/or conclusions and make generalizations
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
1.E.4.d. Confirm, refute, or make predictions
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

MD.2.0. Comprehension of Informational Text

2.A.1. Apply and refine comprehension skills by selecting, reading, and analyzing a variety of print and non-print informational texts, including electronic media

2.A.1.b. Read, use, and identify the characteristics of workplace and other real-world documents such as sets of directions, science investigations, atlases, posters, flyers, forms, instructional manuals, menus, pamphlets, rules, invitations, recipes, advertisements, other functional documents
Text FeaturesWhat are Text Features? The elements of a textbook that are useful in helping to understand the content of the book are called the text features. An effective reader uses the text features to preview the textbook before beginning to read: The title page contains the title of the book, the author, the publisher, and the place where the book was published. The glossary contains the definitions of words from the textbook. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

2.A.2. Analyze text features to facilitate and extend understanding of informational texts

2.A.2.a. Analyze print features that contribute to meaning
Text FeaturesWhat are Text Features? The elements of a textbook that are useful in helping to understand the content of the book are called the text features. An effective reader uses the text features to preview the textbook before beginning to read: The title page contains the title of the book, the author, the publisher, and the place where the book was published. The glossary contains the definitions of words from the textbook. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
2.A.2.c. Analyze informational aids that contribute to meaning
Text FeaturesWhat are Text Features? The elements of a textbook that are useful in helping to understand the content of the book are called the text features. An effective reader uses the text features to preview the textbook before beginning to read: The title page contains the title of the book, the author, the publisher, and the place where the book was published. The glossary contains the definitions of words from the textbook. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
2.A.2.e. Analyze online features that contribute to meaning
Text FeaturesWhat are Text Features? The elements of a textbook that are useful in helping to understand the content of the book are called the text features. An effective reader uses the text features to preview the textbook before beginning to read: The title page contains the title of the book, the author, the publisher, and the place where the book was published. The glossary contains the definitions of words from the textbook. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
2.A.2.f. Analyze the relationship between the text features and the content of the text as a whole
Text FeaturesWhat are Text Features? The elements of a textbook that are useful in helping to understand the content of the book are called the text features. An effective reader uses the text features to preview the textbook before beginning to read: The title page contains the title of the book, the author, the publisher, and the place where the book was published. The glossary contains the definitions of words from the textbook. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

2.A.4. Analyze important ideas and messages in informational texts

2.A.4.a. Analyze the author's/text's purpose and intended audience
Author's PurposeThe Author's Purpose is the reason that the author wrote the piece. If the author's purpose is to inform, he/she plans to teach the reader. If the author's purpose is to entertain, he/she plans to amuse the reader. If the author's purpose is to persuade, he/she plans to convince the reader to believe his/her point of view. If the author's purpose is to create a mood, he/she plans to use much description to stir emotions in the reader. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
2.A.4.b. Analyze the author's argument, viewpoint, or perspective
Author's PurposeThe Author's Purpose is the reason that the author wrote the piece. If the author's purpose is to inform, he/she plans to teach the reader. If the author's purpose is to entertain, he/she plans to amuse the reader. If the author's purpose is to persuade, he/she plans to convince the reader to believe his/her point of view. If the author's purpose is to create a mood, he/she plans to use much description to stir emotions in the reader. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
2.A.4.c. State and support main ideas and messages
Author's PurposeThe Author's Purpose is the reason that the author wrote the piece. If the author's purpose is to inform, he/she plans to teach the reader. If the author's purpose is to entertain, he/she plans to amuse the reader. If the author's purpose is to persuade, he/she plans to convince the reader to believe his/her point of view. If the author's purpose is to create a mood, he/she plans to use much description to stir emotions in the reader. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
Expository TextExpository writing explains a topic(s) to the reader. This type of writing may also inform the reader, or compare and contrast different subjects. Example: "How To," or Process Directions: How to Climb a Rock Wall, How to Train for a Marathon. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
2.A.4.e. Identify and explain information or ideas peripheral to the main idea or message
Expository TextExpository writing explains a topic(s) to the reader. This type of writing may also inform the reader, or compare and contrast different subjects. Example: "How To," or Process Directions: How to Climb a Rock Wall, How to Train for a Marathon. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
2.A.4.f. Analyze relationships between and among ideas
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
2.A.4.g. Synthesize ideas from text
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

2.A.5. Analyze purposeful use of language

2.A.5.b. Analyze specific language choices to determine tone
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
2.A.5.c. Analyze the appropriateness of tone
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
2.A.5.d. Analyze repetition and variation of specific words and phrases that contribute to meaning
Reading-Figurative LanguageFigurative language is the opposite of literal language. The writer uses techniques like repetition, exaggeration, alliteration, personification, onomatopoeia, similes, and metaphors to create images in the reader's mind. Using a sound, word, or phrase more than once is known as repetition. When a writer intentionally stretches the truth, he/she is using exaggeration. When a writer repeats a consonant sound at the beginning of several words in a row, he/she is using alliteration. Poems are divided into groups of lines called stanzas. Words that end with the same sound are called rhyming words. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

2.A.6. Read critically to evaluate informational text

2.A.6.a. Analyze the extent to which the text or texts fulfill the reading purpose
Reading ProcessWhat Is the Reading Process? The steps a student follows in reading effectively are called the reading process. The step in the reading process when a student looks over the selection is. Certain genres of literature need to be read more than once. This step in the reading process is called rereading. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
2.A.6.b. Analyze the extent to which the structure and text features clarify the purpose and the information
Text FeaturesWhat are Text Features? The elements of a textbook that are useful in helping to understand the content of the book are called the text features. An effective reader uses the text features to preview the textbook before beginning to read: The title page contains the title of the book, the author, the publisher, and the place where the book was published. The glossary contains the definitions of words from the textbook. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
2.A.6.d. Analyze the author's argument or position for clarity and/or bias
Author's PurposeThe Author's Purpose is the reason that the author wrote the piece. If the author's purpose is to inform, he/she plans to teach the reader. If the author's purpose is to entertain, he/she plans to amuse the reader. If the author's purpose is to persuade, he/she plans to convince the reader to believe his/her point of view. If the author's purpose is to create a mood, he/she plans to use much description to stir emotions in the reader. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
Persuasive TextWhat is Persuasive Text? Persuade means to convince. In persuasive text, the author attempts to convince the reader to believe that the author's viewpoint is correct. Some common persuasive techniques are: Bandwagon, Stacking the Deck, Testimonials, Citing Statistics, and Emotional Words. An author uses the Bandwagon technique when he/she tries to make us believe that we should do something because everyone is doing it. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
2.A.6.e. Analyze additional information that would clarify or strengthen the author's argument or viewpoint
Author's PurposeThe Author's Purpose is the reason that the author wrote the piece. If the author's purpose is to inform, he/she plans to teach the reader. If the author's purpose is to entertain, he/she plans to amuse the reader. If the author's purpose is to persuade, he/she plans to convince the reader to believe his/her point of view. If the author's purpose is to create a mood, he/she plans to use much description to stir emotions in the reader. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
2.A.6.f. Analyze the effectiveness of persuasive techniques to sway the reader to a particular point of view
Persuasive TextWhat is Persuasive Text? Persuade means to convince. In persuasive text, the author attempts to convince the reader to believe that the author's viewpoint is correct. Some common persuasive techniques are: Bandwagon, Stacking the Deck, Testimonials, Citing Statistics, and Emotional Words. An author uses the Bandwagon technique when he/she tries to make us believe that we should do something because everyone is doing it. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

MD.3.0. Comprehension of Literary Text

3.A.1. Refine comprehension skills by reading and analyzing a variety of self-selected and assigned literary texts including print and non-print

3.A.1.b. Listen to critically, read, and discuss a variety of literary forms and genres
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

3.A.2. Analyze and evaluate text features to facilitate and extend understanding of literary texts

3.A.2.a. Analyze text features that contribute to meaning
Text FeaturesWhat are Text Features? The elements of a textbook that are useful in helping to understand the content of the book are called the text features. An effective reader uses the text features to preview the textbook before beginning to read: The title page contains the title of the book, the author, the publisher, and the place where the book was published. The glossary contains the definitions of words from the textbook. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

3.A.3. Analyze and evaluate elements of narrative texts to facilitate understanding and interpretation

3.A.3.a. Distinguish among types of grade-appropriate narrative texts such as short stories, folklore, realistic fiction, science fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, essays, memoirs, biographies, autobiographies, personal narratives, plays, and lyric and narrative poetry
Reading-DramaDrama is a genre that uses dialogue to tell a story. The elements of drama are: characters, setting, plot and theme. A list of characters in the play is called the cast. The place and time of the play is known as the setting. The main events in the play make up the plot. The main idea of the play is called the theme. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.3.b. Analyze the events of the plot
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.3.c. Analyze details that provide information about the setting, the mood created by the setting, and the role the setting plays in the text
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.3.d. Analyze characterization
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.3.e. Analyze relationships between and among characters, setting, and events
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.3.f. Analyze the actions of characters that serve to advance the plot
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.3.g. Analyze internal and/or external conflicts that motivate characters and those that advance the plot
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.3.h. Analyze the author's approach to issues of time in a narrative
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.3.i. Analyze the point of view and its effect on meaning
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.3.j. Analyze the interactions among narrative elements and their contribution to meaning
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

3.A.5. Analyze and evaluate elements of drama to facilitate understanding and interpretation

3.A.5.a. Use structural features to distinguish among types of plays
Reading-DramaDrama is a genre that uses dialogue to tell a story. The elements of drama are: characters, setting, plot and theme. A list of characters in the play is called the cast. The place and time of the play is known as the setting. The main events in the play make up the plot. The main idea of the play is called the theme. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.5.b. Analyze structural features of drama that contribute to meaning
Reading-DramaDrama is a genre that uses dialogue to tell a story. The elements of drama are: characters, setting, plot and theme. A list of characters in the play is called the cast. The place and time of the play is known as the setting. The main events in the play make up the plot. The main idea of the play is called the theme. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.5.c. Analyze how dialogue and stage directions work together to create characters and plot
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Reading-DramaDrama is a genre that uses dialogue to tell a story. The elements of drama are: characters, setting, plot and theme. A list of characters in the play is called the cast. The place and time of the play is known as the setting. The main events in the play make up the plot. The main idea of the play is called the theme. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

3.A.6. Analyze and interpret important ideas and messages in literary texts

3.A.6.b. Analyze similar themes across multiple texts
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.6.e. Explain the implications of the text for the reader and/or society
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

3.A.7. Analyze and evaluate the author's purposeful use of language

3.A.7.b. Analyze and evaluate language choices that create tone
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.7.c. Analyze the appropriateness of a particular tone
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.7.d. Analyze and evaluate figurative language that contributes to meaning and/or creates style
Figurative Language FreeLiteral language uses words exactly according to their conventionally accepted meanings. Figurative use of language is the use of words or phrases that implies a non-literal meaning which does make sense. When authors use figurative language, they use similes, metaphors, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, personification and idioms to make their writing more descriptive. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
Reading-Figurative LanguageFigurative language is the opposite of literal language. The writer uses techniques like repetition, exaggeration, alliteration, personification, onomatopoeia, similes, and metaphors to create images in the reader's mind. Using a sound, word, or phrase more than once is known as repetition. When a writer intentionally stretches the truth, he/she is using exaggeration. When a writer repeats a consonant sound at the beginning of several words in a row, he/she is using alliteration. Poems are divided into groups of lines called stanzas. Words that end with the same sound are called rhyming words. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

3.A.8. Read critically to evaluate literary texts

3.A.8.a. Analyze and evaluate the plausibility of the plot and the credibility of the characters
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.8.b. Analyze and evaluate the extent to which the text contains ambiguities, subtleties, or contradictions
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
3.A.8.d. Analyze the relationship between the structure and the purpose of the text
Author's PurposeThe Author's Purpose is the reason that the author wrote the piece. If the author's purpose is to inform, he/she plans to teach the reader. If the author's purpose is to entertain, he/she plans to amuse the reader. If the author's purpose is to persuade, he/she plans to convince the reader to believe his/her point of view. If the author's purpose is to create a mood, he/she plans to use much description to stir emotions in the reader. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

MD.4.0. Writing

4.A.2. Compose oral, written and visual presentations that express personal ideas, inform, and persuade

4.A.2.d. Compose to persuade by supporting, modifying, or refuting a position, using effective rhetorical strategies
4.A.2.d.4. Use connotation, repetition, and figurative language to control audience emotion and reaction
Vocabulary What Is Vocabulary? Vocabulary refers to a collection of words. Our English vocabulary developed in a variety of ways: Names of people and places provide some English words. Rudolf Diesel invented an engine that is named after him. The first letters of words, called acronyms, provide new words for our language. Shortened words provide some new English words. The word hamburger provides the shortened word burger. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
4.A.2.d.5. Use authoritative citations when effective and document appropriately
Writing a Research ReportThe process of preparing a research report has numerous steps. The student chooses a subject, prepares a list of questions to guide his/her research, gathers information from two or more sources, organizes the information, and presents it to the reader in a readable form. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

4.A.3. Compose texts using the revising and editing strategies of effective writers and speakers

4.A.3.a. Revise texts for clarity, completeness, and effectiveness
4.A.3.a.2. Clarify meaning through the placement of antecedents, modifiers, connectors, and transitional devices
Modifiers-AdjectivesWhat is an Adjective? A word that describes a noun or a pronoun is called an adjective. Modify means to change. Since adjectives change the meanings of nouns and pronouns, adjectives are also called modifiers. In the following sentence, intelligent is a predicate adjective. The word intelligent describes the word sister and follows the predicate, is: My sister is intelligent. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Modifiers-AdverbsWhat is an Adverb? A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb is called an adverb. Modify means to change. Since adverbs change the meanings of verbs and adjectives, adverbs are also called modifiers. Adverbs answer the questions: How? When? Where? or To What Extent? Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
4.A.3.a.3. Clarify the relationships among ideas through coordination and subordination that are purposeful, logical, succinct, and parallel
SentencesWhat is a Sentence? A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. A sentence must contain a subject and a predicate. An incomplete sentence is known as a sentence fragment. Two or more sentences written together are known as a run-on sentence. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

4.A.4. Identify how language choices in writing and speaking affect thoughts and feelings

4.A.4.b. Differentiate connotative from denotative meanings of words to make precise word choices
Vocabulary What Is Vocabulary? Vocabulary refers to a collection of words. Our English vocabulary developed in a variety of ways: Names of people and places provide some English words. Rudolf Diesel invented an engine that is named after him. The first letters of words, called acronyms, provide new words for our language. Shortened words provide some new English words. The word hamburger provides the shortened word burger. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

4.A.6. Evaluate textual changes in a work and explain how these changes alter tone, clarify meaning, address a particular purpose, or fulfill a purpose

4.A.6.a. Alter the tone of one's own writing by revising its diction for a specific purpose and/or audience
Narrative TextWhat is Narrative Writing? Writing that tells a story is known as narrative writing. A narrative that tells a story based on imagined events is known as a fictional narrative. The characters, setting, and plot make up the elements of a story. Characters-the people involved in the plot of a narrative. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

4.A.7. Locate, retrieve, and use information from various sources to accomplish a purpose

4.A.7.c. Use a systematic process for recording, documenting, and organizing this information
4.A.7.c.6. Use a recognized format for documentation such as MLA
Writing a Research ReportThe process of preparing a research report has numerous steps. The student chooses a subject, prepares a list of questions to guide his/her research, gathers information from two or more sources, organizes the information, and presents it to the reader in a readable form. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
4.A.7.d. Synthesize information from two or more sources to fulfill a self-selected or given purpose
Thinking SkillsWhat are Thinking Skills? Thinking skills are reading tools used to better comprehend the text. Examples: Analysis-separating the text into its parts; Classifying-arranging information into categories; Comparing and Contrasting-finding likenesses and differences between items; Drawing Conclusions-coming to a decision based on the text. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
4.A.7.e. Use a recognized format to credit sources when paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting to avoid plagiarism
Writing a Research ReportThe process of preparing a research report has numerous steps. The student chooses a subject, prepares a list of questions to guide his/her research, gathers information from two or more sources, organizes the information, and presents it to the reader in a readable form. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

MD.5.0. Controlling Language

5.A.1. Recognize elements of grammar in personal and academic reading

UsageWhat Is Usage? The way in which the English language is used is known as usage. To speak and write our language properly, certain rules must be followed. Examples: a and an: Use a before a word that starts with a consonant sound and an before a word that has a vowel sound (a cartoon, an orangutan). Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
UsageThe way in which the English language is used is known as usage. To speak and write our language properly, certain rules must be followed. Some Usage Guidelines for English:<br/> Who and whom. Who is a subject. Whom is an object. Who went to the nurse's office? You expect to go to the dance with whom? Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

5.A.2. Apply knowledge of grammar concepts and skills to control oral and written language

5.A.2.a. Consider the meaning, position, form, and function of words when identifying and using all grammatical concepts
Parts of SpeechA part of speech refers to the function that a particular word plays in a sentence. The eight parts of speech are: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, interjection, preposition and pronoun. Examples: Adverb-modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Conjunction-joins words or groups of words. Interjection-expresses emotions. Preposition-relates a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence. Pronoun-takes the place of a noun(s). Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
UsageWhat Is Usage? The way in which the English language is used is known as usage. To speak and write our language properly, certain rules must be followed. Examples: a and an: Use a before a word that starts with a consonant sound and an before a word that has a vowel sound (a cartoon, an orangutan). Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
UsageThe way in which the English language is used is known as usage. To speak and write our language properly, certain rules must be followed. Some Usage Guidelines for English:<br/> Who and whom. Who is a subject. Whom is an object. Who went to the nurse's office? You expect to go to the dance with whom? Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
5.A.2.b. Combine and expand sentences by incorporating subjects, predicates, and modifiers and by logically coordinating, subordinating, and sequencing ideas
Modifiers-AdjectivesWhat is an Adjective? A word that describes a noun or a pronoun is called an adjective. Modify means to change. Since adjectives change the meanings of nouns and pronouns, adjectives are also called modifiers. In the following sentence, intelligent is a predicate adjective. The word intelligent describes the word sister and follows the predicate, is: My sister is intelligent. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Modifiers-AdverbsWhat is an Adverb? A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb is called an adverb. Modify means to change. Since adverbs change the meanings of verbs and adjectives, adverbs are also called modifiers. Adverbs answer the questions: How? When? Where? or To What Extent? Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
SentencesWhat is a Sentence? A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. A sentence must contain a subject and a predicate. An incomplete sentence is known as a sentence fragment. Two or more sentences written together are known as a run-on sentence. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
5.A.2.d. Compose simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences using independent, dependent, restrictive, and nonrestrictive clauses; transitions; conjunctions; and appropriate punctuation to connect ideas
Kinds of Sentences There are four different kinds of sentences: A declarative sentence makes a statement. An exclamatory sentence expresses a strong emotion. An interrogative sentence asks a question. An imperative sentence gives a command. Example: A declarative sentence: My dog is a West Highland white terrier. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
PunctuationWhat Are Punctuation Marks? Punctuation marks are symbols to help readers understand how to read sentences. Examples: Period-ending marks, abbreviations; Question mark-ending marks; Exclamation point-ending marks; Comma-separating items or words, direct address, dates. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
Compound and Complex SentencesTwo or more sentences joined together are known as a compound sentence. The simple sentences in a compound sentence can be joined together with a comma and a conjunction, or with a semicolon. A complex sentence has one independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses. A subordinate clause does not express a complete thought. Subordinate clauses are either adjective clauses or adverb clauses. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
Prepositions, Conjunctions, and InterjectionsWhat is a Preposition? A preposition is a connective that shows a relationship between the noun or pronoun following the preposition and another word in the sentence. What is a Conjunction? A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or simple sentences. What is an Interjection? An interjection is a word or group of words that expresses strong feelings. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
PunctuationWhat are Punctuation Marks? Punctuation marks are symbols to help readers understand how to read sentences. Examples: Period-ending marks, abbreviations; Question mark-ending marks; Exclamation point-ending marks; Comma-separating items or words, direct address, dates; Semicolon-joining two parts of a compound sentence; Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

5.B.1. Recognize examples of conventional usage in personal and academic reading

UsageWhat Is Usage? The way in which the English language is used is known as usage. To speak and write our language properly, certain rules must be followed. Examples: a and an: Use a before a word that starts with a consonant sound and an before a word that has a vowel sound (a cartoon, an orangutan). Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
UsageThe way in which the English language is used is known as usage. To speak and write our language properly, certain rules must be followed. Some Usage Guidelines for English:<br/> Who and whom. Who is a subject. Whom is an object. Who went to the nurse's office? You expect to go to the dance with whom? Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

5.B.2. Comprehend and apply standard English usage in oral and written language

5.B.2.a. Apply appropriate English usage, involving subject/verb agreement
Subject and Verb AgreementWhat Is Subject and Verb Agreement? Whether a word is singular or plural is called its number. In a sentence, the subject and the verb must agree in number. Singular subject = singular verb; Plural subject = plural verb. The subject of a sentence is not found in the prepositional phrase. The coach, along with the soccer players, is celebrating. The subject of the sentence is coach, not soccer players, so the subject is singular. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
5.B.2.b. Apply consistent and appropriate use of the person, number, and case of pronouns; pronoun/antecedent agreement; special pronoun problems such as who - whom, and incomplete constructions; active and passive voice; and verbal and verbal phrases
Parts of SpeechA part of speech refers to the function that a particular word plays in a sentence. The eight parts of speech are: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, interjection, preposition and pronoun. Examples: Adverb-modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Conjunction-joins words or groups of words. Interjection-expresses emotions. Preposition-relates a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence. Pronoun-takes the place of a noun(s). Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
VerbsWhat Is a Verb? A verb is the part of speech that expresses action or state of being. Examples: There are two types of verbs: action verbs (ran, jumped) and linking verbs (is, was). A linking verb is also called a verb of being. A transitive verb has an object, while an intransitive verb does not have an object. A verb phrase is made up of a verb and one or more helping verbs. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Regular and Irregular VerbsWhat is a Verb? A verb is the "action" or "being" part of the predicate of a sentence. The different forms of a verb are called tenses and express present, past, and future times. The principal parts of a verb are: the infinitive, the present participle, the past tense, and the past participle. Regular verbs form their past tenses by adding -d or -ed to the infinitive. Irregular verbs form their past tenses in a different way. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
5.B.2.c. Recognize and correct common usage errors such as misplaced and dangling modifiers; incorrect use of verbs, double negatives; and commonly confused words such as accept - except
Modifiers-AdjectivesWhat is an Adjective? A word that describes a noun or a pronoun is called an adjective. Modify means to change. Since adjectives change the meanings of nouns and pronouns, adjectives are also called modifiers. In the following sentence, intelligent is a predicate adjective. The word intelligent describes the word sister and follows the predicate, is: My sister is intelligent. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Parts of SpeechA part of speech refers to the function that a particular word plays in a sentence. The eight parts of speech are: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, interjection, preposition and pronoun. Examples: Adverb-modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Conjunction-joins words or groups of words. Interjection-expresses emotions. Preposition-relates a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence. Pronoun-takes the place of a noun(s). Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
UsageWhat Is Usage? The way in which the English language is used is known as usage. To speak and write our language properly, certain rules must be followed. Examples: a and an: Use a before a word that starts with a consonant sound and an before a word that has a vowel sound (a cartoon, an orangutan). Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
VerbsWhat Is a Verb? A verb is the part of speech that expresses action or state of being. Examples: There are two types of verbs: action verbs (ran, jumped) and linking verbs (is, was). A linking verb is also called a verb of being. A transitive verb has an object, while an intransitive verb does not have an object. A verb phrase is made up of a verb and one or more helping verbs. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Modifiers-AdverbsWhat is an Adverb? A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb is called an adverb. Modify means to change. Since adverbs change the meanings of verbs and adjectives, adverbs are also called modifiers. Adverbs answer the questions: How? When? Where? or To What Extent? Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
Regular and Irregular VerbsWhat is a Verb? A verb is the "action" or "being" part of the predicate of a sentence. The different forms of a verb are called tenses and express present, past, and future times. The principal parts of a verb are: the infinitive, the present participle, the past tense, and the past participle. Regular verbs form their past tenses by adding -d or -ed to the infinitive. Irregular verbs form their past tenses in a different way. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
UsageThe way in which the English language is used is known as usage. To speak and write our language properly, certain rules must be followed. Some Usage Guidelines for English:<br/> Who and whom. Who is a subject. Whom is an object. Who went to the nurse's office? You expect to go to the dance with whom? Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

5.D.1. Recognize conventional spelling in and through personal and academic reading

SpellingAre There Any Tricks to Becoming a Successful Speller? One technique for successful spelling is to say, or pronounce, the word correctly. Another technique for successful spelling is to write the word. It is helpful to refer to a dictionary for the correct spellings of questionable words. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
SpellingAre There Any Tricks to Becoming a Successful Speller? One technique for successful spelling is to say, or pronounce, the word correctly. Another technique for successful spelling is to write the word. It is helpful to refer to a dictionary for the correct spellings of questionable words. A memory device may be of use: c-a-p-i-t-o-l is the spelling for our nation’s Capitol Building; the "o" looks like the dome of the Capitol Building. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

5.D.2. Apply conventional spelling in written language

5.D.2.a. Use conventional spelling in personal writing
SpellingAre There Any Tricks to Becoming a Successful Speller? One technique for successful spelling is to say, or pronounce, the word correctly. Another technique for successful spelling is to write the word. It is helpful to refer to a dictionary for the correct spellings of questionable words. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
SpellingAre There Any Tricks to Becoming a Successful Speller? One technique for successful spelling is to say, or pronounce, the word correctly. Another technique for successful spelling is to write the word. It is helpful to refer to a dictionary for the correct spellings of questionable words. A memory device may be of use: c-a-p-i-t-o-l is the spelling for our nation’s Capitol Building; the "o" looks like the dome of the Capitol Building. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
5.D.2.b. Develop self-monitoring strategies for frequently misspelled words
SpellingAre There Any Tricks to Becoming a Successful Speller? One technique for successful spelling is to say, or pronounce, the word correctly. Another technique for successful spelling is to write the word. It is helpful to refer to a dictionary for the correct spellings of questionable words. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
SpellingAre There Any Tricks to Becoming a Successful Speller? One technique for successful spelling is to say, or pronounce, the word correctly. Another technique for successful spelling is to write the word. It is helpful to refer to a dictionary for the correct spellings of questionable words. A memory device may be of use: c-a-p-i-t-o-l is the spelling for our nation’s Capitol Building; the "o" looks like the dome of the Capitol Building. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

5.D.3. Maintain a personal list of words to use in editing original writing

SpellingAre There Any Tricks to Becoming a Successful Speller? One technique for successful spelling is to say, or pronounce, the word correctly. Another technique for successful spelling is to write the word. It is helpful to refer to a dictionary for the correct spellings of questionable words. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
SpellingAre There Any Tricks to Becoming a Successful Speller? One technique for successful spelling is to say, or pronounce, the word correctly. Another technique for successful spelling is to write the word. It is helpful to refer to a dictionary for the correct spellings of questionable words. A memory device may be of use: c-a-p-i-t-o-l is the spelling for our nation’s Capitol Building; the "o" looks like the dome of the Capitol Building. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

MD.7.0. Speaking

7.A.1. Demonstrate appropriate organizational strategies and delivery techniques to plan for a variety of oral presentation purposes

7.A.1.b. Uses a combination of organizational structures such as narrative, cause and effect, chronological/sequential order, description, main idea with supporting details, problem/solution, question/answer, comparison and contrast, making appropriate transitions within a presentation
SpeakingSpeaking, a type of communication, can be categorized into formal speaking and informal speaking. Informal speaking involves a situation where a speaker does not prepare ahead of time to speak, like answering the telephone and introducing people to each other. A prepared speech is an example of formal speaking. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Descriptive TextWhat is Descriptive Text? Descriptive writing appeals to the senses. Writers often create a mood by choosing specific descriptive words. Descriptive writing can be made more precise by using exact words. Figures of speech, such as similes and metaphors, are often used in descriptive writing. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1


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