An irrational number is a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction of two integers and its decimal representation goes on forever without repeating. In other words, it cannot be written as a simple fraction .
Characteristics of Irrational Numbers Cannot be expressed as a simple fraction Have non-repeating, non-terminating decimal representations Examples include: √2, π (pi), and e (Euler's number) Representations of Irrational Numbers Irrational numbers can be represented in different forms, such as:
Root form: √2, √3 Decimal form: 3.14159265359...Continued fraction form: [1; 1, 1, 1, 1, ...] Examples of Irrational Numbers Some common examples of irrational numbers are:
√2 ≈ 1.41421356... π (pi) ≈ 3.14159265... e (Euler's number) ≈ 2.71828183... Study Tips for Understanding Irrational Numbers To better understand irrational numbers , consider the following study tips:
Practice estimating the values of irrational numbers using their decimal approximations. Explore the concept of square roots and their connection to irrational numbers . Use visual aids, such as number lines and geometric representations, to illustrate irrational numbers . Compare and contrast irrational numbers with rational numbers to understand their differences. .