Washington State K–12 Learning Standards and Guidelines for Second Grade Social Studies

WA.2.1. CIVICS - The student understands and applies knowledge of government, law, politics, and the nation’s fundamental documents to make decisions about local, national, and international issues and to demonstrate thoughtful, participatory citizenship.

2.1.1. Understands key ideals and principles of the United States, including those in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and other fundamental documents. Applies the key ideal of the public or common good to uphold rights and responsibilities within the context of the community.
Roles of the CitizensFreeA citizen is an official member of a community.<br> A citizen has rights and responsibilities. <br>There are some important way to show good citizenship. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
American CitizenshipA citizen is a person who lives in a community. Citizenship refers to the rights and responsibilities of the citizens of any community. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

2.1.2. Understands the purposes, organization, and function of governments, laws, and political systems. Understands the basic function of government and laws in the community.
U.S. GovernmentU. S. GOVERNMENT The Constitution was written in 1789 and is the basic design for how our government should work. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
Government and Political SystemsA government is people who make decisions about a city, state, or country. A democratic system exists when the people who run the government are selected by the citizens. An autocratic system has a ruler who came to power by strength or birth. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

2.1.4. Understands civic involvement. Understands that citizenship and civic involvement in the neighborhood and community are the rights and responsibilities of individuals.
Effective Decision MakingDecisions are choices people make. Whenever a choice is made, something i given up. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Roles of the CitizensFreeA citizen is an official member of a community.<br> A citizen has rights and responsibilities. <br>There are some important way to show good citizenship. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1
American CitizenshipA citizen is a person who lives in a community. Citizenship refers to the rights and responsibilities of the citizens of any community. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1

WA.2.2. ECONOMICS - The student applies understanding of economic concepts and systems to analyze decision-making and the interactions between individuals, households, businesses, governments, and societies.

2.2.1. Understands that people have to make choices between wants and needs and evaluate the outcomes of those choices. Understands that members of the community make choices among products and services that have costs and benefits.
Effective Decision MakingDecisions are choices people make. Whenever a choice is made, something i given up. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

2.2.2. Understands how economic systems function. Understands the basic elements of a community’s economic system, including producers, distributors, and consumers of goods and services.
Goods and ServicesGoods are things that are made or grown and then sold. <br>Services are the jobs people do for others. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Trade and TransportationTrade is the buying and selling or bartering of goods and services.<br> Transportation - People can walk, ride an animal, bicycle, and drive vehicles. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1
Interdependence of Goods and ServicesWhat is interdependence? People in many communities depend on people in other communities for goods and services. Goods are products that are made or grown and then sold. Services are jobs that people do to serve one another. No one community has everything it needs to meet its basic needs. We need to transport goods and communicate our needs worldwide. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

WA.2.3. GEOGRAPHY - The student uses a spatial perspective to make reasoned decisions by applying the concepts of location, region, and movement and demonstrating knowledge of how geographic features and human cultures impact environments.

2.3.2. Understands human interaction with the environment. Understands that people in communities affect the environment as they meet their needs and wants.
Natural ResourcesNatural resources are useful resources that come from the earth and sky and help humans live on Earth. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1

WA.2.5. SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS - The student understands and applies reasoning skills to conduct research, deliberate, and form and evaluate positions through the processes of reading, writing, and communicating.

2.5.1. Uses critical reasoning skills to analyze and evaluate positions. Understands multiple points of view on issues in the community.
Effective Decision MakingDecisions are choices people make. Whenever a choice is made, something i given up. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1


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